Selling Solar in 2024: Strategies to Win

NOW is the Perfect Time to Get Ready for the Solar Sales Season
Watch & Listen:
Anthony J. Conklin, Founder & CEO of the AJC Group, and Nathan Jovanelly, Founder & CEO of SunRaise Capital, lead compelling 4 sessions, each with a different focus, in order to provide actionable insights, takeaways and resources to level up your game in 2024. Recordings for all 4 sessions, along with the resources and assets discussed throughout, can be found below. ENJOY!
Watch the 4-Part Series On-Demand
Business Acumen 101 - Operating with Integrity & Accountability
Session Takeaways
Stay Informed! Subscribe to industry publications, listen to podcasts, etc.
Consultatively Sell (Ask more questions, LISTEN)
Over Communicate with Everyone
Professional Persistence Wins
Remember, it’s not about YOU; it’s all about THEM
Be on LinkedIn - So much business happens on LinkedIn. Follow, engage, connect.
Upsell Existing Customers, Expand what you sell (Think whole home perimeter)
Prioritize Customer Satisfaction - Surveys, Welcome Call, Post-Install Call, 30-60-90 Days Post-Install Check, Referral Program
The Pain is Real - Headwinds, Interest Rates and Selling in a Tough Economy
Session Takeaways
Integrity trumps all. Be AUTHENTIC
Consultative selling - ACTIVELY LISTENING to the homeowner, they'll tell you everything you need to hear. ASK MORE of the RIGHT questions!
The Solarcoaster is real, but we've weathered the storm before → Bandwagoners and people looking to make a quick buck are being churned out. Sticking to your CORE VALUES will ensure longevity in the industry.
OBJECTIONS: Use The Sandler Selling System → build trust between you and the buyer - this is a risk averse market, ask them about the CORE PAIN POINT, get to the ROOT of the problem.
Time Management 101 - Making the Most of the Time You Have
Session Takeaways
Integrity trumps all. Be AUTHENTIC
Consultative selling - ACTIVELY LISTENING to the homeowner, they'll tell you everything you need to hear. ASK MORE of the RIGHT questions!
The Solarcoaster is real, but we've weathered the storm before -> Bandwagoners and people looking to make a quick buck are being churned out. Sticking to your CORE VALUES will ensure longevity in the industry
OBJECTIONS: Use The Sandler Approach - build trust between you and the buyer - this is a risk averse market, ask them about the CORE PAIN POINT, get to the ROOT of the problem.
Control What You Can - Setting Yourself (and Your Solar Business) Up to Win
Session Takeaways
Personal Development is the BEST investment!
NOW is the perfect time to start practicing more DISCIPLINE. Start making small changes and building new habits.
The creator of the Mario games once said “a delayed game is eventually good, but A RUSHED GAME IS FOREVER BAD” → AKA doing it faster doesn’t always mean you’re doing it right (or better)!
DON’T STRESS OVER WHAT YOU CAN’T CONTROL, professionally managing what you can control will leave a great impression
The right partner isn’t found only by looking at valuation and size; FIND PARTNERS WITH CORE VALUES THAT MATCH YOUR OWN and expand together!
REMEMBER: It's not about YOU. It's about THEM. Ask questions, seek to learn.
Original Air Date: February 13, 2024
Check Out these Helpful Resources
AJC Group Tools
These are some of the core tools the AJC Group uses to help their clients level up:
Time Management & AI Resources
These are just a few time management resources to help you work smarter, not harder:
Strategies & Discipline
Be genuine, be honest, build trust, listen. Challenge yourself, set goals for yourself.
Industry Podcasts, Newsletters & Books
Get and stay informed. Personal development is THE BEST investment.
- Solar Wakeup Newsletter
- 3-2-1 Newsletter
- Suncast Podcast
- Solar Maverick Podcast
- Ohm Analytics
- Jocko Podcast
- Atomic Habits
- Influence
- Napoleon Hill (Author "Think & Grow Rich", "Law of Success" and more)
- Ryan Holiday (Author of "Courage is Calling", "Right Thing, Right Now" and more)
- Tony Robbin's 6 Human Needs
Level Up with an Expert
Anthony J. Conklin Group
Anthony has put his years of solar sales experience into high-impact solutions to benefit everyone in residential solar -- from sales orgs and reps, to EPCs, to homeowners.
The AJC Group's Bulletproof Strategies have resulted in measurable impact for their clients.
- $11M in increased revenue
- 40% increase in total sales in less than 12 months
- 90k+ professionals served
- 30+ years in business
Executive-Level Solar Consulting
Jovanelly, LLC
With a background as a Professional Engineer (P.E.), Nathan Jovanelly has been deep in the solar industry for years. Most recently, Nate co-founded SunRaise Capital with a mission to provide affordable and accessible renewable energy options to homeowners, while reducing carbon footprints and creating a sustainable future for generations to come.
How and where to find Nate:
Reduce Your Soft Costs & Operate More Efficiently with Enerflo
Book a Discovery Call with an Enerflo Platform Consultant to see how Enerflo can help your solar business reach new heights.
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Enerflo For Sales
Enerflo For Installers/EPCs
Enerflo For Your Customers

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With Enerflo Sales Core, reps can set, schedule and manage their deal pipeline. With more integrations than any other end-to-end solar platform, reps can request, receive and share install-ready PV system designs using Enerflo's best-in-class proposal tool, Optimus. Quickly and easily compare loan products, apply for financing and contract the deal -- all within Enerflo, while sitting with your clients in home.

Enerflo Wingman Helps Installers/EPCs Manage Their Projects In Less Time, with Fewer Resources
Complete more projects and grow your business with Enerflo. Built-in safeguards ensure clean deal submission on the front end, saving you time on the backend by reducing change orders and delays. Clearly see project milestones status with Enerflo's Install Tracker. Automate and centralize communications with sales reps and customers. Organize and automate tasks and build custom reports. Enerflo's automations help reduce project duration and lower soft costs.

Keep Your Customers Informed and Engaged Every Step of the Way with Enerflo Customer Portals
Before the contract is even signed, give your customers their own online portal to track the progress of their new purchase. Enerflo Customer Portals can be branded with your company logo and colors. Add content, videos and more to showcase your company -- even add pictures of other jobs you've completed in their area. Customers can message the rep or installer from their portal; everything is centralized.